NormalizeClampVector(x, y, max): { x: number; y: number; }
Scales vectors to ≤ 1 unit length where vectors that started with a length greater than max
are clamped to length 1, and shorter vectors are scaled between 0 - 1 based on their original
fraction of their length relative to max.
x: number
x component of the vector
y: number
y component of the vector
max: number
the length of the vector to clamp to
Returns { x: number; y: number; }
the scaled vector as an object with x and y components.
Scales vectors to ≤ 1 unit length where vectors that started with a length greater than max are clamped to length 1, and shorter vectors are scaled between 0 - 1 based on their original fraction of their length relative to max.