buttonGamepadDisplay.DefaultButtonDisplayFunction for an example
buttonsConfiguration for Buttons and Variable Pressure Buttons (eg: shoulder triggers) to represent in the gamepad display
GamepadDisplayButton and GamepadDisplayVariableButton standardGpadButtonMap for more information
The index of the gamepad this Gamepad Display should track as returned from navigator.GetGamepads()
joystickIf provided, this function will be called when the gamepad axies change for a joystick instead of the default display function.
GamepadDisplay.DefaultJoystickDisplayFunction for an example
moveThe class to add to the corresponding direction indicator element when a gamepad joystick is moved in a direction or a variable button is pressed
pressedThe class to add to the corresponding highlight element when a gamepad button is pressed
sticksConfiguration for Joysticks to represent in the gamepad display (based on gamepad axes indecies as as returned by the browser gamepad api)
touchedThe class to add to the corresponding highlight element when a gamepad button is touched (whether or not its pressed)
If provided, this function will be called for each button with a state change (pressed, touched, released, etc...)